As i promised in my previous post that i'll crack the method of virus removing without any antivirus in windows 7 , so here it is. Today i'll show you how to remove viruses from windows 7 manually.
For it just follow some simple steps that are shown below-
As you learn how to make a virus from my previous blog, if you did not then please try that before trying this.
Step 1- Copy that virus into c drive. The name of your virus is xyz i dont know but i assuming it as "virus".
Step 2- now if you know how to hide a file than hide the file virus.(go to virus properties by right click on it and check the hidden box).
Ok now we have made a perfect virus file cz virus files are also a hidden files.
We have to delete that virus as antivirus do.
Step 3- open cmd , press windowskey+r and type cmd or do it directly by going to start and type cmd in search bar.
Step 4- Type in cmd-
cd\ enter(press it don't type enter).
dir \ah. enter
you see all the hidden files in the directory c and the one your virus file also.
type continue..
attrib -s -r -h -a "virus.bat" /s /d enter
this is for if the virus file is system file, read only file, hidden file, archive file then this will remove all these attributes from your file.
To execute the upper codes you have to go to
Task manager - processes - explorer.exe - end process tree.
To execute the upper codes you have to go to
Task manager - processes - explorer.exe - end process tree.
in the above image explorer.exe is showing now you have to right click on it and click on end process tree.
And remember before doing this your cmd should be running .
Now go to cmd and type the below codes-
And remember before doing this your cmd should be running .
Now go to cmd and type the below codes-
type continue..
del "virus.bat" /f enter.
the virus file will be deleted..
Now to restart exporer just press ctrl + alt + delete and go to new from the file button and type explorer.exe.
Now to restart exporer just press ctrl + alt + delete and go to new from the file button and type explorer.exe.