In present time, there is increase of fake email accounts, facebook accounts, etc and also increase in illegal use of that fake accounts by their fake user's. So after learning this method you can locate that fake person by a live satellite view.
Ok let's start.
Step 1- Open your mail account from gmail , i have used gmail just because many people use gmail .
Step 2- Open the mail of the latest mail sender from the inbox.
Step 3- Now go to the arrow from the reply option where you will see the "Show original" and do click on it.
Step 4 - After clicking on the show original you will see a new tab opened like this.
Step 5- You can see the client ip - " " and you have to search ip like this which has come two or three times in the tab. And this ip is your main aim if you got the ip then 80 % work is done.
Step 6 -After finding the mailer ip go to this link . And remember one thing if you are not getting the exact address then don't get irritate because the ip (internet protocol address) are not fixed for a internet user they are diverting continue until the user get offline but you will get the closer place to the user.
Step 7- Now i show you the exact address of that mail sender.